Monday, January 09, 2006

Ever have a hard time letting go?

Story of my life. I can be hung up on girls that happened a year ago. Sad, isn't it? I don't know what it is, maybe it's because I lost my virginity. A while ago I would fuck anything and everything with legs (not in a relationship, mind you) and not have a second thought about it. Now I'm a little older I'm thinking "Oh... shit.". The moral of the story is this: If you get laid, you don't have to go looking for somebody new to test your new found novelty on, stick with the same girl. I guarentee you'll miss what you did with her.

Wait, what's this?! A serious moment from Thump?! What's the occassion?! Well, I became an Uncle the other day but that isn't what made me write this... what made me write this is because I've had so many different girls and it only just hit me that I really fucked up bad with a lot of them. One in particular (You know who you are. You aren't the lying, cheating, scumbag who is a pathetic excuse for a woman. I think I got that right...) and I'll admit, I regret it. I started arguments over nothing (Now you know who you are.) and I was being a dickhead to her. My fault, I admit. Doesn't mean I can't apologize for it, does it?

It's true, though. I think I just wanted to test my novelty with as many different girls as I could. Now I've had at least over five (sober, I mean) and I've had sex well over fifty times (estimation) but this one girl, I can't stop thinking about her. She has certain attributes what piss me off (they all do, really.) and certain attributes what make me want to hug her... I'm just hasty. That's my problem. I'm hasty. I don't think before I act. I honestly never think "Oh wait, maybe you should wait around dude. Give yourself a chance to settle in before you get back into a relationship" sadly. I brought myself to say "LAWL SINGLE PUSSY HUNTING TIME!". It's quite sad because I don't even get with girls just for sex.

The really sad thing is, people are going to read this and go "You fail, you prat". I actually started this off by randomly typing and see how it went. So far I'm quite intrigued by what's came out. I'm not even thinking as my fingers are skimming across the keyboard, it's just all coming out and it's fucking strange. I've done this before, it's a form of automatic writing. Just start writing and don't stop, see what happens. Well, this is what's happening. I'm writing about things and I can't even remember what it was I'm writing about. This is some deep shit. Like four drugs combined together to make one... think about that... is it expanding your mind? Is it raising your IQ? I hope so, because it raised many parts of my body (LOLOLOL HAIR!).

It makes me a sad panda to think that most of you people who read this will have thought "Oh, he's talking about his penis! ROFL!"... sexual innuendo is fun, but I don't do it on purpose for the hell of it. I'm not that bad... or am I? How do you know? I doubt you even know me! This is a blog which exists for the hell of it! No reason as to why I created it, maybe I wanted to talk about the games and their consoles which are coming out. Maybe I created this as a 'Technological Mecca', I dunno, I know I never intended to be sarcastic or funny at all when I brought this up, it was the last couple of paragraphs where I realised "Hey, I'd get so many more readers if I just joked on rather than actually spoke of things."

That's what this is.

I have my serious moments but I have more toungue in cheek moments on here than anything else. I don't take myself seriously (unless I have a reason for it) so why should you guys? I write in here as often as I can (the past couple of days is down to laziness or lack of my mouse working) to keep people coming back and on to give readers a chace to help me out. I asked you guys a couple of times to click a couple of ads, very few people do. It's no big deal, really. I just like to give people a reason to take time out and help me along. I'm not expecting you people to do me favours if I'm not giving you some form of time wasting entertainment.

Yeah, I'm gonna stop now because I'm getting tired... way too much thinking going on in here... three updates in the space of a couple of hours. This is a new one.


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