Sunday, December 25, 2005

You can't spell 'crap' without 'rap'!

When people say stuff like that it makes me turn into a jibbering wreck, you know that? Granted, I'm not exactly fond of rap, but that's beyond the point. The fact remains that it's a pathetic little trend what our 14 year old counterparts seem to lack a rather important intelligence factor. My favourite? That's easy. "You can't spell 'illegal' without 'legal'!". Dear god, kill me now, Amen.

I mean for decades, these words have been circulated... and then some little smart arsed brat comes along and says it, then everybody begins saying it, which eventually forces me to commit suicide. I was feeling pretty down the other day and somebody said "You can't spell 'unhappy' without 'happy' :)". Piss off, you stupid little shit. You can't spell many things without unintentionally saying something else, we're all proud you've realised that spelling one word might actually inadvertantly cause you to spell another word. HOLY SHIT! JUST THEN! I SAID 'ADVERTANTLY' ONCE I TYPED 'INADVERTANTLY'! Now it couldn't be coincedance, could it?


It really angers me to see people doing stupid shit like that because it gives me cause for concern. It's actually gives us a good look at what mentallity our world is actually coming too, I mean people say "It isn't illegal until you get caught!"... right... so I kill somebody and it isn't illegal until I get caught? Which is what will obviously happen? Wow, it's like... expanding my mind... I feel so enlightened... so if I travel back in time and kill somebody, you could end up not being born and it would make the world a better place.

We hope, anyway.

Really though, it is actually quite disturbing. It disturbs me even more when I'm sitting here, playing a friendly game of Runescape and see some character running down the street with words streaming from his head. Now usually, that wouldn't bother me. However when those words are 'HI IM ADAM ND IM A SNGLE 13 Y/O ND I NEED A G/F WHO WNTS 2 TAK ME ON???/ ;);););)", it begins to worry me.

It actually is scary how fast our morals and standards are going downhill. One minute it's all "sex before marriage" now it's "sex before pubes". I really wish I could carry on bitching but I'm too lazy tobe typing. I think I'll just go and play some Runescape and get banned because I'm slitting a civilians throat or something.

Merry Wintereenmas.


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