Saturday, December 03, 2005

I may not be back for a while

I'm going to attempt to remove everything from my current desktop PC into one of my numerous towers. Knowing my luck I'll end up blowing the whole thing up or frying the motherboard at minimum... which means one of two things. I get to have fun with one of my old motherboards and play with the CPU... or I can cry like a bitch and go to sleep for once in my life. I'll probably take the latter once I'm content the other two motherboards are completely and utterly non-functional.

However, as much as I know about the Hardware in PCs I don't honestly thinks that I'll be able to do this without blowing something up. I just know it. It's my luck. However, if I don't come back PLEASE click some of the ads. I'm in dire need of money and am currently awaiting an interview for a job. All you have to do is type something into the search engine and click on of the links which'll appear (I think there's usually around 100 at most) it really isn't that time consuming and you'll be helping a guy who has nothing better to do but to type randomness on the internet... it'll make you feel good and your penis will grow by 200%.

Seriously, though. I tried to put something on which wouldn't spam you guys with mass-pop ups and ads. The search function and the Firefox toolbar (which appears not to have worked, I'll mess around with that once I've done posting this.) is the best I could do. So c'mon guys. All you have to do is take twenty seconds out of your busy lives and help a guy out. If you do it for me (I'll know if you have or haven't as I get IP reports on my Adsense account) and you're registered with Adsense, I'll help you out by clicking for a good while before I get bored. Come on, it's not that much of a task. A couple of clicks and you're done.

If I'm back I'll deal with this, if I'm not... well, I'll see you in a bit. I should be getting a computer for Christmas at minimum so I may or may not see you then. If I can get the other computers working you won't see me at all (The gamer in me is screaming for affection) for a long while. So all I ask of you is to click a couple of links for me. The whole Firefox dealie works only once you've downloaded Firefox and booted it up for the first time (I mean that download for the first time. You download it, re/install it. I get paid)... I know... I know... but come on... it won't take that much energy I swear.

Have fun, people. I'll be back soon... maybe.

EDIT: Okay guys, I just went through my Adsense reports and last month I made a whole Dollar USD! Great, guys. Keep it up. Only problem is I'll need a little bit more than that if I'm to actually get the payment, heh. Don't get me wrong I'm incredibly grateful. Just click a bit more, guys. You'll help one soon-to-be-hobo feel happy and loved and warm and fuzzy inside <3


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