Friday, December 02, 2005

So I was just surfin', kickin', chillin'....

My friend had gave me the MegaUpload adress of the lates Edguy album (Hellfire Club). So I'm all eager to get listening to it and everything but hey, guess what? No such fucking luck. Y'see, every now and again my computer says "I'm slow, I know that. But you need me. You want me... I see it in your eyes." and refuses profusely to load up a webpage when the mouse is static. Which means to load a webpage my mouse must be constantly moving. Today was one of those days. "Maybe the download won't be affected by this?" I said aloud to myself. ...yeah, and Hitler loved Jews. I had to move the mouse at all times for it to even transfer a kilobyte. Jesus... it was terrible. With MegaUploads uber speeds it would take me an hour of non-stop wrist movement to download all of it.

The glory of the internet.

So anyway, I restarted "It should work this time." I hastily, and rather foolishly claimed. No dice. Yay! I get to move my mouse again! *restart* "This time it has to work... by law of averages, it should damn well work! My computer looked at me with pitiful eyes and said "Until you take the crappy, used RAM out of me and replace the floppy drive you aren't getting nowhere, Pal." ...sigh.

I eventually left the computer when my ex-girlfriend (LOLOL SHEZ NOW MY GIRLFRIEND!) came over for a couple of hours. We watched the cinematic masterpiece "Monsters Inc." and then proceeded to kiss. Damn I'm smooth. I digress. Basically with her being here I was all like "Lawl, not today computer! There's a girl in the house!". She leaves, I boot it up. Just now I go to restart the download.... what happens? The fucking download crashed... wouldn't move for love nor money.

I cried. I cried like a babe in arms.

I screamed at it "DOWNLOAD! I MUST LEARN THE LYRICS TO AT LEAST SOME EDGUY SONGS! I MUST!" and the download replied "Fuck you, bitch. This is my turf!". ;_;

However! Before I managed to get it working! 30 minutes ago I refreshed the page and BAM! It started downloading. I was all like "I win! I win! I reign supreme!"... just now? I check on it? Guess what. Fucking froze at 78%. Now I've got to do it all over again.

Fuck you, MegaUpload. Fuck you!


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