Monday, December 05, 2005

You are the wind beneath my wings...

Now this is funny. I was listening to Sonata Arcticas version of "Wind Beneath My Wings". Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Bette Midlers version of it. However I love metal a lot more than I do Bette Midler and I had an urge to listen to Wind Beneath My Wings. A friend over at LL said that Sonata Arctica did a version of it... so I was all like "OMGWTFLOLBBQ I MUST HAVE IT!". He hosted it at and I downloaded it... it's all I've listened to.

Now, I've this nifty little plug-in for my Winamp player, it's exactly what Windows Media Player 10 does! When you're on MSN and you have your "Now playing" feature active, it comes up what you're listening too on Winamp! However... as I said, I've been listening to Sonata Arctica - "Wind Beneath My Wings" all day. Now the tags are broken. I didn't know this! So all it came was "Wind Beneath My Wings". So you can imagine my surprise when somebody starts chatting to me and says "You said in your blog if you do anything Emo could come to your house and kill you.".

Wow... direct or what?

Naturally I enquired about what I did what was remotely 'Emo'. "The song you're listening too sounds Emo. It's like you need somebody to prop you up all the time otherwise you'll fall flat on your face!". What in the holy fucking hell was this guy talking about? I explained to him and he goes off on a rant about how I'm turning 'scene' and trying to fit in like everybody else in the world and that my blog was just the beginnings of an Emo era of my life.


I got all bitchy about it and promptly said "How the fuck am I turning Emo, you stupid fucking tosser?". He replied with "OH FUCK YOU AND GO AND KILL YOURSELF!". He even changed his font to bold for this one. I know he did because he was typing for a while, then he stopped. Then he was typing again... then he stopped. Then eventually (after five minutes had passed) decided to bold the whole thing... and everything afterwards. Apparantly, I get a blog, post in it twice a day and learn programming languages (Not scripts... I know many scripts... actual programming languages...) and listen to Power Metal... I'm suddently an Emo? God damn the musical politics of todays world...

I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing to be 'scene'... I wear what I like, when I want too. Hell, a lot of the times I don't wear anything at all! I'm sitting in my boxer shorts while typing this. I know exactly what I am... I'm a person, believe it or not. I'm what is known as a "social recluse"... not because I've been rejected from society, because I reject them! Really! I hate people. Not because it's cool or 'scene'... because people constantly stab people in the back and quite frankly, I'm sick of the bullshit. Just yesterday I found out a 'friend' was getting with my ex-girlfriend (Carly, we finished a couple of weeks ago) while I was going out with her! Isn't it wonderful when that happens?

So yeah, I don't leave the house and I'm an Emo. How dare people judge me! For that I think I'll go listen to some My Chemical Romance and Linkin Park and cut myself to sleep. Chester understands... Chester understands ;_;


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