Tuesday, January 10, 2006

ATTN: Eric Bauman and staff of eBaumsworld! Fuck you!

Some of you might know that the internet finally caved in under the pressure of Eric Baumans thieved success. If you don't know the story of how eBaumsworld went from bullshit to 'badass' (I say that in the loosest possible way), check up on Wikipedia. To cut a long story short he stole material (images, animations, videos etc) from other websites. Now usually that isn't that big of a deal because most websites give credit to the creators. Eric Bauman decided against doing that tiny little thing and decided it would be in his best interest to claim it as his own and add his nice 'eBaumsworld' watermark.

Not too much, eh? Well, the dreaded 'eBaumsworld' watermark happens to have a little sentance on it. It says "This image is hosted on eBaumsworld.com". How subtle.

Basically, he's made money from doing this. From a crappy server he started off with, he now owns a fucking headquarters and employs 20 people. "You're overreacting, Thump. Calm down." No, I'm not. He has earned a substantial amount of money by stealing from people and claiming it as his own. Not fucking cool, my friends. Not cool at all. You have to realise the income he's getting... I can't remember the exact amount but it's quite a lot due to the fact he doesn't own any content other than the layout and the banner. Smooth.

Let's go back a little, eh? Eric, though a fucknut, isn't stupid. He realised the competition he was getting. He had the likes of Something Awful and Albino Blacksheep to contend with. Obviously the biggest threat to him and his millions was Something Awful... so what does he do? Rather than realise he has the high ground anyway, he posts a malicious script on his page which lagged the SA forums to a painful crawl. Albino Blacksheep isn't updated all that often so can't really be considered a major threat, though it is a damned good time wasting site.

Anyway, this all came to a head when he stole the 'Lindsay Lohan never changes facial expressions' .gif from YTMND... well, it got a bit insane. The good people at YTMND were pissed, as you could well imagine. I'm not familliar with the entire story so it basically ended up in Fark, 4chan, GameFAQs, LUElinks, IGN, Something Awful, Newgrounds, GameSpot and of course eBaumsworld having a bit of a tiff. Gourry the Swordsman posted a comprehensive chart of who is on whos side during this furious battle of the internets on LUElinks (which gave me the energy to post about this.):

Something Awful

Axis of Evil:

What followed was a brutal attack on eBaums forum, website and eventually his headquarters. However that was removed due to second thoughts (I sure hope he likes my boxes, holy books and VagiCream though. I'm thinking of you, Eric!). The best part about the whole 'headquarters' thing is that two certain people who belong on a website that doesn't exist attached two bits of paper on the door. Guess what? Even though the bits of paper were removed a minute or two afterwards, Eric now has to have guards patrolling the headquarters incase of vandalism! OH NOES! PAPER! NASTY PAPER WITH SELLOTAPE! THAT WARRANTS A KoS, BAUMAN! CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT?! Asshat.

Evidence against him:

Special eBaums edition of LDCFE

He created LDCFE and he just proved it.

However... the question on the lips of internet factions all around the... well, the internet is "How long will this fucktard continue to get away with copyright infringment?!"... well, if all goes to plan, not very long at all. That's all I'm saying on that particular matter.

If the stupid fucker and his friends happen to come across this blog, let me tell you people one thing. Fuck you, you plagiarizing cunts. What are you gonna do? Take my 'Tears of Emo' comic and throw a couple of 'Image hosted on eBaumsworld.com' watermarks on it? Go ahead. I have creators copyright on it, the lawyers won't be too keen on it, either.

Summary: Eric Bauman and the eBaums staff are plagiarizing cuntwaffles.

Summary of summary: eBaumsworld sucks.

Summary of summary of summary: YTMND

Summary of summary of summary of summary: ShaunMD is annoying.


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