Thursday, June 21, 2007

My biggest test as a gamer has been confronted. (02/12/06)

For the commercially Christian festival known as Christmas, I have decided to give my brother (Jack) my PS2. Why? Because I never play it and rarely have the time to play it due to the fact that I'm lazy or I don't have time. "What's the problem? Where does the test fit into all this, Thump?" I hear you ask inquisitively.

I've only completed MGS3. Once.

I only own about six games but I resent giving away any form of games console... especially when I've unfinished business on it. This makes me rather sad... now, my challenge is this:

Complete the games (including the three which has been bought for the brat, making nine games, eight of which uncompleted) before Christmas... it needs to be wrapped and such yet... so I have about 20 days at MOST to complete these games.

I must go and allow myself to be defeated, because let's face it - I'm fucked.

UPDATE: Upon Christmas Eve it came to realisation that I have failed. Miserably. I became addicted to San Andreas (Those missions are infuriating and it lead to me refusing to put it down for about a week in order to complete the more annoying missions.... I got about 1/4 ways through the second island) and got stuck on The Suffering 2... I refused to even attempt to complete Spryo the Alcoholic Dragon: Enter the Brewery and same goes for some game called 'Hidden Invasion'. Looked like a lower budget version of Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter (Xbox), I got bored of Americas 10 Most Wanted after I realised how shite it was, I got sick of my eyes becoming strained because of the pre-battle sequence on Lord of the Rings: Third Age and I just never got around to playing the others.

Now he has my PS2. But I've still got MGS:3 and the Memory Card... and I'm waiting for the PS3 to be released so the PS2 will drop in price. I win.


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