Thursday, June 21, 2007

I've heard of 'revenge' and 'avenging death' but this is taking the piss. (21/09/06)

So, we all know that Steve Irwin died via Stingray while snorkelling etc. We've seen the tribute to Steve Irwin and we've seen the memorial. It's over, it's done with, the guy is dead. I understand it's difficult to comprehend, believe me, I was in tears watching both the tribute and memorial. Especially when I saw Bindi stand up and speak about her dad, that made the silent tears of emo trickle, I'll tell you.

Long story short is he's dead. Now shut up about it and get on with your life.

Of course, I don't want to believe it... but why is it that people are going snorkelling in order to kill the Stingrays by cutting off their barbs? If that's how life works, I hope I get killed by a Mackam! Or perhaps a really annoying person... like... a Frenchman. The woman I can deal with, well, I can deal with them when they don't speak Frog.

Seriously, though. You're killing animals because one animal killed a human... in self defence. Jesus, no offence intended here, but if I was a Crocodile or a Shark or even a Stingray and saw Steve Irwin swimming towards me? I'd do the self same thing! I would say: "Oh for fuck sakes... sod it, he dies now." then stab him. Nah, only kidding, I'd probably just injure him.

People really need to get a sense of reality nowadays. Say Person A kills Person B, right? Then Person C kills Person D in order to avenge Person B's death. Is that right? No, it's just bloody stupid! I mean, it's not like they can say: "OH, HEY! THERE'S THE STINGRAY THAT KILLED STEVE IRWIN, LET'S KILL IT AND LAUGH AT IT AND COPULATE WITH IT'S CORPSE HAHAHA!", can they? No. No, they can't.

I can't actually say this has any point or punch line, but I can say that this topic has been getting on my tits for a couple of days (but I've been unable to type it because my incredible new wireless keyboard doesn't work properly!). Seriously, people need to stop being so bloody stupid and kill themselves to avenge the deaths of countless defenceless animals.


So, if a Mackam or a Frogman kills me, you can't kill the Mackam or the Frogman because they're defenceless animals... but you can call it 'social cleansing' and relieve some of the guilt.

Now I'm no marine biologist... (hell, I don't even know how to spell it, I'm just taking pot luck!) so I'm not sure whether or not it kills the animals outright (I should imagine they'd bleed to death), but I'm almost certain the barb is there to kill fish... therefore they can't feed. If the cutting of the barb (it does sound like some sick ceremonial thing...) doesn't kill them, I'm sure they'd starve to death... unless they evolved to feed on plankton and other such crap that floats around the sea (Mackams, Frogmen etc.).

Just grow the fuck up and stop killing animals because they killed a television presenter. Yes, it's sad but it doesn't give anybody reason to kill, for the love of Odin! He'd be sitting up Croc-Heaven screaming at you fuckers because you're killing something he loved.

He's dead, deal with it. Stop killing fish and grow up.


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