Thursday, June 21, 2007

College sucks. Never go to College. (06/12/06)

I've learnt many things since I have begun this blog of online awesomeness. I have realised that skin eating chemicals are in fact skin eating chemicals. I've been taught that women (in general) are cheating bitches. I've come to realise that I rock even more than I knew I did when I began this... however the most important lesson I've learnt?

College sucks.

I loved it when I got back into learning, absolutely loved it. Instead of being told to learn stuff (like school), I was being asked to learn things! It was great! To make it better? I got to sing and play guitar! I thought my dreams had come true when I was told that I would be rocking out in a live performance at three points during the year too! Ecstasy. Bliss.

Then we started work on the second performance we were to play...


Imagine my excitement when I wasn't given any singing parts (I'm a vocalist and I'm not singing... what?), I'm playing guitar day in, day out... to none other than that painfully technical guitar track... ABBA! DANCING QUEEN! *Fanfare*

The first performance had me singing and playing guitar to Queen - I Want to Break Free and The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. I thought it was great. It resparked my love for both Queen and the Beatles. It was fantastic, most enjoyable thing I did in years! And this year they make me play guitar on fucking Abba? ABBA?! I can't find the logic... I really can't.

The set list is even better. Absolutely incredible, I think. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club (We wanted Norwegian Wood, but no! This song is infinitely better! ....*sigh*), T.Rex - Children of the Revolution (They've done better songs, why's this one so damn important?), Madness - Baggy Trousers, Abba - Dancing Queen (There isn't a hard enough wall to bash my head against...), Blur - Song 2 (Eh...) and some song from Grease.


In all honesty, I wouldn't mind doing Abba!

If I was playing Keyboards.

What gets on my tits is that we have three guitarists (To Abba's one...), and none of us have a fucking clue what we're playing. The bassist doesn't know, the drummer has a rough idea and the keyboardist sits there and gets pissed off after the first verse seeing as she can't figure out the chord changes. Why don't any of us know what we're playing?

The Mackam-Geordie hybrid known only as "Phil Poolan" (Who appears to model himself on Marc Bolan...) keeps changing the bloody thing. He has became affectionately known to us as "Syd Barret in reincarnation", or "That stupid fucking Mackam bastard who can't fucking play the same song to save his fucking dirty bastard life". He is generally thought highly of amongst us, as you can probably tell.

Would you like to know how pissed off we all are at him?

We've given up playing the song.

We just fuck around during the rehearsals... which last about 3 hours long... per fucking day... I dislike this. I dislike it to much. Especially when I have to put up with three Mackams playing fucking pop punk all bastard day!

Jesus, I still feel pissed off... I may need to vent at you all once more at some stage.

If not, expect to hear of a student killing a tutor at Newcastle College.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


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