Thursday, June 21, 2007

What's this? Free 15'' monitors? FTW! (24/06/06)

When I woke up on this fine Saturday morning, I realised I was hungry. Now, that mightn't surprise a lot of you because most people eat breakfast. I don't. I hate the stuff. Anyway, I helped myself to a bowl of cereal and realised (horrors of horrors) that it didn't even dent my hunger. How convenient.

Anyway, I watched Green Street and went over to the chippy for a bag of chips... I don't know why that I wanted a bag of chips at 2:30 in the afternoon... but I did. I checked to see how much money was in my bank account (£7.74, if you're interested.) and realised the computer store. If you don't know me that well, I'll tell you how much I love the thought of computer stores... are you ready? I enjoy them. Satisfied? Good.

This computer store is where I got my current PC from and I gotta tell you, it's pretty damn cheap. £120 for the motherboard, CPU and a new power source. Can't really complain (BECAUSE IT'S AMD! HAHA!), at that price. So, I realised I had to get all 114 albums (I know, not enough music) from my computer onto disk... therefore I came to the decision to ask about the prices of the blank disks.

I'm highly notorious for my problem solving abilities, as I've just proven.

I noticed on the window it said "FREE COMPUTER MONITORS! 15'' INCH ONLY! FREE! FREE! NO CATCHES!". Naturally, I enquired within about these mystical free monitors. Turns out, the only catch was that they hadn't been tested. Other than that? They worked splendidly! Now, seeing as I know the guy in the shop (Geordie), I wandered in and we started talking about my iPod installation device (My HDD fucked up and I couldn't install XP via the disk as I'd usually do, so my friend kindly allowed me to borrow his iPod and I managed to install XP onto it. Surprisingly enough? It worked!), eventually I remembered about the monitors... so I asked!

Seven monitors... all 15'' screens... for free? I then noticed that one was bigger than the others. Guess what I did? I took it. Then I took a 15'' monitor too! Now I have four, fully functional monitors! Tomorrow? I'm going to take some more! Then? I'm going to sell them. For casual sex or money, though I'm not sure which I'd prefer...

Alright, so it's not exactly the best entry in my blog of awesomeness, but the fact that I got a 17'' monitor for free? That means I rock. Therefore all of you unbelievers must appreciate my awesomeness and bow to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

bowing as you speak!!!!!!

9:20 pm  

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