Friday, February 03, 2006

I take it back. I take it all back.

Yes, that's correct. The man of power, pride and psychobabble is back. With an apology... Dragonforce really are, a good band. I had a meet and greet with them before the gig. I went in and started talking, I was a bit shy but that's mainly because I haven't been outside much and socialising = my downfall. I introduced myself to them all, shook hands, etc. ZP was a little bit... nervous, I guess. He'd just gotten out of the shower and he was trying to focus on the gig (he is after all, the vocalist. If he fucks up, it's gonna be most obvious). Sam broke the ice with me by saying "Oh, help yourself to a drink, mate. Just leave the Carling, that's for after the show... I'm trying to stay somewhat sober for the show today.".

And so it was. Herman kindly gestured me to have more (He blatantly wanted my rectal hole for his perverted plans) and I said "No, no thanks. I'm good.", Herman, on the other hand, didn't see that I was trying to be nice and save some of Sams alcohol. Instead he said "What, are you a lightweight?"... the way he said it... and the grin... that grin! I replied "Hah, anything but, man. I stopped drinking cans a while back. It just cuts through me, man. Plus, I'm a whiskey drinker.". Upon hearing this, Sam said "Oh, we've got some of that!" and pointed to a bottle of Jack Daniesl... "Crack it open, if you want!", he knew my weakness... he knew it.

I was nice, and declined his offer... I didn't have my tongue bar in which means I've lost the taste for Whiskey. That shit messes with your taste, man. Trust me. You get your tongue pierced and BAM! Nothing will taste the same. It's infuriating at least. I basically didn't want to make myself a wank for saying "I'm a whiskey drinker" and then choke on some JD, my preference, y'know? Anyways, we talked for a while, had a couple of laughs... me and Herman talked about X Japan for a while, then Sam asked what they were. What kind of music, etc. I explained the genre, Herman explained the rough idea behind their looks... not easy.

At this point, I'd also like to say that Herman has the funniest accent ever. I mean he has the typical Asian accent, but he has the cockney accent instead of the usual accent the Asians usually adopt in Britain.

However, we got onto when they disbanded. Herman looked to me to answer this. Now, I'm not the kind of guy who can just sit and spout off dates and information. On certain topics I can, others, like this one, I have to backtrack a little bit. So I did. "Hmm... well, hide died in '98... they were supposed to be planning a comeback in... 2000? Dahlia was released in '96, if memory serves correct... The Last Song was released in '98... and it was intended to be the last song... but Yoshiki or Toshi decided on releasing a couple more... the last single they released was in... '01. Forever Love, I think.".

Herman stared at me and said "Fuck you, man! It was much longer than that!", nope, it was 2001. I got in and checked it. Herman, when you get a chance to read this; I WAS RIGHT, BITCH!

After a while of just generally talking and taking the piss out of Sam and Herman, we got ushered out by the tour manager and given Inhuman Rampage official tour guitar picks. Pretty awesome, but they're too thick for my liking (they're 1mm plus. I prefer .88's and .76's). Sam came out and said "Oh, hey, if you want, come back after the gig and we'll have a pint or something!", awesome! The tour manager said "Oh yeah, by all means. When the gigs finished just go over there and we'll let you in.". Also, Sam gave me and John another can (he wanted us to take more) for the gig. So we had to stash them in our coats... I mean they're obviously not going to let us walk in with cans in our hands.

We watched the gig. Sabaton did a great job of starting the night off, they had first set so it was the most difficult. Edguy, jesus fucking christ... these guys really got the crowd worked up. I've never seen a support band do that. The communication was incredible. I met some girl in the Cafe area who didn't look too good so I started talking to her for a while. I was like "Yay! I made a new friend! <3" style="font-style: italic;">just about to ask for her number... and guess what? Out come DragonForce. Oh great. Thank you, guys. Cockblocked by a power metal band. How... fortunate.

Anyways, after a couple of songs I decided to get into the pit (I think the song was The Trail of Broken Hearts.), so, I'm standing there watching the show and then they finished. I believe the next song was Soldiers of the Wasteland, can't remember. Anyways, out came the mosh pit. Oh wonderful. This has to be amusing. Now, y'see, I'm the kind of nice guy. The guy who'll help somebody out if they really need it, regardless of the consequences. Yeah, I'm that guy. This girl was standing behind me. She had a black and white striped shirt on, small girl. Blonde. I had no concern about fucking her whatsoever (Yeah, I can control my primal urges now :D). Then the pit started to go insane. People getting punched and thrown everywhere. Now this girl nearly got caught in the middle of it (the guy next to me got pissed off and turned around and pushed everbody back). I caught her and pulled her back towards me, threw her infront of me and said "I'll try my best to make sure you don't get seriously injured out there.", she kissed me on the cheek (a sign of gratitude... you should have seen the fucking pit, man) and continued watching the gig.

Dear fucking god, I should have let the bitch get her head ripped off. Now, some of you guys know that I have bad knees. I mean really fucking bad. Artheritus in both of 'em, which effectively means during cold weather, I'm confined indoors or I have to make sure they're both really fucking warm. Now, I only have one support bandage. Before I left, I had to decide which of my knees hurt more... I chose the right knee... and what a fucking decision that would be, my friends. I was standing behind her but somehow ended up next to her (Y'know the deal. It's a fucking metal gig, you're bound to get pushed around). Well, I realised this and she grabbed onto my shirt. I looked around to see what the fuck was happening and I noticed her getting pulled into the pit. I grabbed her, pulled her back infront of me and put my leg behind her. She got pulled again, but my leg, obviously wasn't much of a barracade because of my knee. So I thought "Fine, you bastards. You want it that way?!", I hugged her into me and apologised to her. She said "It's fine, you don't look like a pervert." ....BWAHAHAHAHAH! Classic! Right there!

Anyway, this technique worked for a while... then it happened. I knew it would happen at least once during the gig. Somebody lost there balance and hit my knee. Oh shit... it's out. I'm going down... no, I've got the balance alright. I think I'm good. I stood up to find the girl once again being pulled into the pit. Jesus FUCK! I know this is a power metal concert but it doesn't mean I'm the valiant knight trying to save the fucking damsel in distress! I somehow managed to put all my weight onto my left leg and pulled her in. I used her as a counter-balance and pulled her closer to me. Now, she was as of now officialy my left leg. I was fucked. Third from the front and I'm on one leg, that spells trouble. So I got my right leg back to where it was behind her, and hugged her again. It happened again, my right knee taken out. Shit. This isn't gonna be pretty. I managed to keep hold of her so I could pull myself back up. Other than that? My right knee was definately out of commission.

Eventually the pit died down and I could let her go and tend to my knee. I stood cradling it for a while, then Sam saw me. He threw something to get my attention but ended up knocking some guy out... the girl tapped me on the shoulder and pointed at Sam. I looked up and he had a look of concern on his face. I smiled as much as I could for having excruciating pain severing my right leg and he gave me the thumbs up.

Nice, man. Real nice. You knock somebody out trying to give me the thumbs up? Great!

Once I regained some feeling in my knee, some guy had moved next to me with a fucking stupid 'Norse' (It had horns therefore fictional Norse) helmet on. I wouldn't be bothered but it kept hitting me over and over and over a-fucking-gain! So, this kid (who was standing on the opposite side of him) tapped me on the shoulder and signalled to take it off and throw it. I agreed and counted down from three, using hand signals. 1... 2... 3... BAM! OFF WITH HIS HAT! We chucked it on stage and started singing so he wouldn't accuse us. He accused some guy behind him. POWER OWNED! Anyways, he got it back somehow and ended up wearing it again. It got knocked off a further three times before he decided he'd best just leave the area. So he did! Yay!

Nothing much happened from then on, other than ZP mentioning me and saying the last song was an apology because he didn't get much of a chance to speak to me. And that's how it was. Valley of the Damned was my song! Bragging rights +10! I fucking win, my friends.

After the gig I waited where the tour manager told me to wait. John was out of sight. So I assumed he was gonna be back. The guys working the VIP stage said "Look, mate. If you don't have a pass, you aren't getting in.", this pissed me off. I had a promise to complete. My friend wanted me to get LUEshi signed (ASCII art of Mario riding Yoshi. I also had the image underneath the ASCII), and I said I would, dammit! No fucking ponse was going to stop me getting a gift to a friend! Fuck you! So I demanded him to get the tour manager. What did he do? He got head of fucking security. "Look, you don't have a fucking pass, you aren't getting in, get it?". Now... now I was pissed. So, I did the only thing I could. "Listen to me, you shit. I've been told by the fucking band and the fucking tour manager that I have entry. Don't believe me? Go fucking get them.", well, this didn't go down too well "Oh, so now I have to get the fucking tour manager?!".


"Yes! You have to get the fucking tour manager!", so he refused too. Sam came by and shouted "ALRIGHT MATE! What did you think of the gig, eh?", I said (exact words, people) "Oh, it was incredible. But this OLD FUCKING FART won't let me into the special VIP area because apparantly HE'S TOO FUCKING LAZY to get the fucking tour manager.". Well. If you ever meet the head of Security, you don't want to piss them off. Me? Oh, I did it regardless. "YOU'RE DEFINATELY NOT GETTING IN NOW YOU FUCKING SCRAWNY LITTLE SHIT!" Sam cut in with "He's fucking supposed to be in here, mate. If you don't fucking like it, fine! But this is our fucking gig, and we get the ultimate fucking decision on who stays and who fucking goes.". This still was not enough evidence for the big, mighty head of security. So, eventually he caved and got the tour manager. "Who? Him? Oh! Y'alright, mate? Yeah, sure, come on in!", fucking owned.

Even then, he still wouldn't let me in... how gay. So, y'know what I did? I said "Fuck you. Herman? I can be here, right?", Herman looked up and stared at me for a second and said "FUCK YEAH, METAL WARRIOR!". So, I was eventually granted access. I got some stuff signed and such, pulled out the LUEshi... the peoples reactions... oh god, it was great. Fred looked at it, smiled and said "Nintendo... for the win!", Jason gave me a quizical glance and signed it. Herman... oh god, Herman looked at me, looked at the LUEshi... looks up at me and says "Rock on, brother." and signed it. Sam, tried to sign it, bless him... but the alcohol had began to have too much of an effect on him. They signed my ticket and such (obligatory when I'm at a gig. It's like "Ticket? SIGN IT. NOW!") and then a guy out of Sabaton and Edguy came out.

Now, I only got into Edguy when I heard they were playing support for Dragonforce. I only know what Tobias (vocals) looks like... I thought he had brown hair, oh no, he apparantly has ginger hair! The rest of them? No fucking idea. Same with Sabaton. No idea who they are, I knew they were playing when I asked Fred who was playing (I won't mention what he said incase somebody of Sabaton actually reads this... don't want to inflate/deflate their ego :D), he told me, I shrugged it off. Alright band... very heavy Manowar influence. Anyways! I got him to sign the LUEshi. He looked at it and said "Oh man! I grew up playing Nintendo! Mario rocks!"... all the time, this little Japanese girl was looking at me and laughing... I don't mean a nice, innocent giggled, she was fucking laughing at me! I asked what was so funny and she said "You're giving him characters of a game to sign! You sat at home and made that text art!" I looked at her and said "No... I want him to sign these for a friend, and the 'text' art is actually made by a man I know as 'warriorness'. It's also interesting to note that if you were of any other nationanality, I would tear you a new anus.", that's where Herman chimed in and said "Oh, you have the yellow fever?".

Classic shit right there, people.

More stuff went on but I've been typing this shit for about two hours. My head is hurting, I've got a hangover from the alcohol Sam was plying me with, my fingers are aching because of two hours of constant typing, I want a bacon sammich and I feel I should get playing World of Warcraft.

Metal lives.


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