Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Interesting conversations of the historical kind

I was just thinking, for no particular reason, about being in school. Thinking about the people and the good times, well, one day in History we were talking about the Depression in Germany (Caused by the Wall Market crash). Well, the teacher (Mr. Bell, for future referance) mentioned Kellogs loaning Germany some money. I forget the exact reasons why they got involved, possibly if they could build some factories or something.

Note: Incase you don't know (nubs), Kellogs is a cereal company.

Naturally it lot of convincing to prove it to be true, some kid asked if there was a way he could research into it. Mr. Bell said "Well, when you get home go and buy yourself a box of Corn Flakes. If you look on the bottom of it, it'll have the list of countries who signed the Kellogs treaty.", let's just say the kid bought it. Fucktard. However Mr. Bell came out with a certain comment something along the lines of "God, next thing I need is for the ceiling to cave in and a load of Corn Flakes to fall on my head!".

EDIT: According to Dom, it was him who said this, not Mr. Bell. He has a better memory than me so there you have it. I'm too lazy to edit the entire thing, so you'll have to use your imaginations from now on.

And so it began.

Me and my cousin began conversing on the hilarity if such an incedent occurred. We decided to build a time machine, seek solitude in the ceiling and, when he says that sentance, knock down the panels and cover that bitch in Corn Flakes. Take that, you left wing bastard (Note: Mr. Bell was an awesome teacher and I really don't want to injure him in any cereal related methods)! Anyway, we asked what kind of cereal there in 1929. Apparantly, only Corn Flakes. My cousin, Dominic, said "Really? I always figured Hitler to be a Rice Krispies kinda guy.". We (me and the guy who sat infront of us, David) found this fucking hilarious, and again, began discussing the hilarity.

That day changed the rest of our lives, readers. Forever, we will be scarred with the truth we unveiled. You see, Hitler was a Rice Krispy kinda guy. We know this now... there is no other possible explanation. Kellogs are still obsessed with Nazi Germany... they knew what was about to occur, they had to eliminate the possibilities... the possiblities what we stumbled upon... we live in fear.

Upon Dom mentioning Rice Krispies, I came across something. I wish I could go back to the day and knock Dom unconcious, for what I blurted out, I wish I never did. "Wait... that kind of makes sense... Hitler being a Rice Krispies kinda guy, I mean.", I waited for Dom and David to say "How?" before I continued; "Well, think about it. The blue guy, right? He's the smart one. He has blonde hair, blue eyes... and he's the smart one who helps the others out of trouble.".

Oh... oh god no... oh fuck!

"Then there's the red guy, right? He's the Commie. He's the clumsy one who get's the other guys in trouble.... but that leaves the green guy?", then Dom jumped in "Hmm... he's the mediator, right? Switzerland! He's obviously a Swiss guy.". It all made sense. Perfect sense. The Rice Crispy cereal... is actually a tool of the Nazi party... perhaps they were trying to regain power? Who knows? All we knew is it sounded funny, so we were saying it. David didn't contribute much to it... he was laughing a little too hard for his own good.

Note: Here, you can find the original Rice Krispies box with the original drawings.

A couple of days later, we went back into History. Sat in the same places and didn't talk of our discovery. Then somebody mentioned it to Mr. Bell... it kicked our memories, imagination and most importantly our lives. Something was wrong... but David couldn't put his finger on it. He knew he had something to say, but he couldn't remember what it was... then he remembered it as we were discussing our theory. They had changed the original charicters. They had changed the mascots days after we found out. Coincedance? Possibly, but doubtful.

Note: Here is the image of the new 'improved' Rice Krispies. Not much of a difference? Ginger. Redhead. What the hell country is that supposed to be? Scotland?!

However after our discovery, the link posted above was not the actual change... oh no, they had changed them all to look like the Communist. Brown hair, same colour clothes... it was scary. Then they changed it again once we hadn't talked about it for a while.

Would you like to know my theory? I don't care if you don't, I'm going to tell you anyway. There was a Communist revolution within the Rice Krispy factory. The Communists defeated the Nazi's and Switzerland and changed characters to be alike. Then what happened? Switzerland said "Fuck this." and beat the Commies down! Win for the Swiss! Again, they changed the characters... the Nazis are sitting there... biding their time... waiting for the moment to strike... then BAM! NO MORE EQUALITY FOR YOU!

Scary shit right here, man.


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