Saturday, January 21, 2006

After this I will be shut down. Goodbye.

So I was working on my comic (The reason I haven't been updating as much as I'd like too. I'm drawing, figuring out the new Photoshop and then I'm drawing more comics) and I realised that I'd ran clean out of ideas. I knew I was in deep shit around this point. I'm planning on starting a webcomic and I run out of ideas after the second comic. This can't be good... it can not be good. I started reading some CAD to inspire myself. Oh look... look at that news post... it's about Kuja. A member of GameFAQs, MGS.0rg and a website which will never be mentioned because it doesn't exist.

It's nice to see his suicide is getting so much attention. He even got a mention on Wikipedia. However one thing sickened me... the second half of this news update by Tim Asbath (The creator/drawer/animator of CAD). You can find the news article here. I won't paste it here because that'll give Mr. Asbath one less hit and for the work he does, he desrves every hit he gets.

Can you see what Jack is doing? He using the death of a gamer as a reason to further his cause. How christian is that? "Look, Jesus! A guy just killed himself! What do we do?" "Don't worry, I have a plan. We'll use it to spread the word about Christianity! That's the correct thing to do!". From now on, this entry isn't a nice, personal thing between me and you guys. I'm writing this as a statement to 'Mr.' Jack Thompson himself. And believe me, I'll make sure he reads it.

I have been playing games all my life. Since I was old enough to have functional hand-eye coordination, in fact. My first taste of a games console was a Sega Mega Drive (Genesis in the States). The first console I owned was a Sega Master System. I've went on to own the following list of games consoles (in order):

Sega Master System
Sega Mega Drive
Commadore 64*
Amstrad CPC464*
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Gameboy Colour
Sony Playstation
Nintendo 64
Nintendo GameCube
Microsoft XBox
Sony Playstation 2

(*While these are generally seen as computers, I used them for gaming as I owned none of the peripherals)

Eleven consoles. One of which was handheld. I also owned a 'Pong' system, though it isn't included because it is only one game in a system built specifically for that game. Now I know in this blog I have joked about killing and injuring other people, guess what? That's all it is. A joke. I would never, nor could I ever injure another human being or another species because I am not a violent person.

I absolutely love reading about you. Really, it touches me in such a way. I game, I write music, I play music, I sing and I write novels. That's correct. I write novels. Not graphic novels or anything else you can twist my words into. I write novels. A lot of words, a lot of pages. You know what they are. Now, here's the fun bit. In order to write novels I must have a generally high understanding of the English language, not only that, but I must understand how to use grammar correctly. Therefore your 'masturbatory' statement is void. You implied that, not only do we assume the meaning of words, but we also have trouble reading... it isn't difficult to pick up a dictionary and search for a word. You said us 'gamer types' could not.

Now, you'll be thinking "But your grammar is atrocious! You could not write a novel for the life of you!". Well, I have one response to that. Welcome to the internet. On the internet we portray our emotions and such through words. For many it is time consuming and an annoyance to write in full English grammar. For me, I type faster when I'm typing properly. I can't type anything less. However, to save time, or to portray how I would say a certain sentance, I'll throw in a couple of punctuation marks. Is it illegal? Nope. Is Slander? Yes. Yes it is.

Being a lawyer and all, you should have a good idea of what the word 'slander' means. Now, I'm not a lawyer, however you have accused others of things they have no control over. Penny Arcade did not 'extort' anything. They did not 'extort' you, they did not 'extort' me, they did not 'extort' William Shakespeare. I'm glad you stopped that little gimmick. Really, I am. Now what am I doing? Libel, right? I mentioned 'Slander', so because I'm using what I've read about you this entire blog will be libel. I've got a feeling you'll try to pull that one on me.

People who play games like Grand Theft Auto or Postal and then go out and kill are absolute retards, you should know this. People who have the ability to play a game and understand that it is just a game don't do that. People who take influence in ultra-violent video games have serious mental problems. I'm not saying that so I can say "HAY I M SM4RTA DEN DEM!", I'm saying it because it's true. They obviously don't have the mental capacity to actually argue against there will and instead listen to the nice man tell them to go and kill Tommy Vercetti or whomever.

Now, what really annoys me about you is the following. You are a mentally sick man. You use somebodies discontent, and eventual suicide, for yourself. You rake in the media while you can. You hear about it and say "Yeah, well. That's what he gets for playing video games.". Well, hey. Guess what? You're a twisted old man. He wasn't happy with himself, so he took the only oppurtunity he could think of, which was ultimately suicide. Can you not understand that? From my memory he wasn't a religious person. I can't remember him saying anything to do with religion, therefore he didn't choose to fill the 'void' with god. Personally? I fill the 'void' with books, music, knowledge and games. You? You appear to fill that 'void' with direct insults to other people.

It absolutely sickens me to read any of that decrepid filth which regularly spews from your mouth. So, Kuja killed himself (I knew him as Kuja, I'll continue calling him as such). He also played an incredibly popular action game called Metal Gear Solid. Have you even played this game? It's the deepest video game I've ever played in my life (maybe with the exception of Fallout). Incase you didn't know; Konami began the MGS series way back in '88 for the Nintendo Entertainment System; the NES. It was released in Japan for the MSX in '87. This is important because Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake are the beginnings in this game.

Note: Technically there was a sequel to MG1 called 'Snakes Revenge', however because of the crappiness of it, it's rarely considered a true sequel.

Now, Metal Gear 1 and 2: Solid Snake are damn good games for their times. Do you know what the underlying message in the entire series is? It's all anti-nukes! Wow! Not only is it anti-nukes, it gives out factual information to back up statements. It's a fun way to learn. After the NES predecessors, Konami decided to utilise the power of the Sony Playstation. Along comes Metal Gear Solid. Again, very anti-nuke. Possibly one of the most anti-war games I've played. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty came along and introduced tranquilliser weapons. They have then been followed through into MGS3: Snake Eater and I guarentee we'll be doing the exact same thing in MGS4: Guns of the Patriots.

Now, you're probably thinking "How is this relevant?". I'll tell you, Jacky-boy. Metal Gear Solid is a game based around facts. The information you recieve from the game is true. It's interesting, it's a fun addition to the game. Yes, believe it or not, Jack, the only reason there is a storyline in the game is to keep you coming back! Such a revolutionary idea, don't you think?

The fact of the matter is; MGS didn't force anybody to commit suicide. It's a fun game with a lot of history. GTA (as much as I dislike the game), didn't force anybody to kill another person/animal, same goes for Postal. I'm yet to hear of somebody using a cat as a silencer. Maybe there is a connection between video games and violence. Who knows? I've an idea. How about you set up a scientific experiment? I'll volounteer. Hell, I'll even shake your hand with respect for doing this:

Say about 15 people (Of varying ages. Say 16 to 25) come along for this little 'experiment'. We are fitted with monitoring devices so you can see how our brain is reacting to what we're taking in. You give us a book (A nice classic... something like Jane Eyer or To Kill a Mockingbird) and we read it for say... an hour and a half? Once we've finished reading, we'll go and get something to eat/drink and relieve ourselves. Then we come back, complete a survey about how we feel. Then! Then what do we do? We play video games!

We'll each have a nice selection of games from different companys and consoles. I have an Xbox and a PS2 (I sold the GameCube), I'll bring mine along for you. You choose the games. For arguments sake lets say... Grand Theft Auto, Postal 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Katamari Damacy and Guitar Hero. Played in a completely random order, or whatever. It's all your choice. Then we take another survey. Between each game we get a chance to have something to drink/eat/relieve ourselves, whichever you feel best. If the tests come out saying that violence does indeed stem from video games... I'll hold my hands up in shame and say: "You were right. I'm sorry for saying a bad word against you."... however if the test comes back negative. I'll hold my hands up and say "You, my friend, loose. On many, many levels.". Deal? You do this for me... you're a lawyer, you have the money, and you will hold at least some respect.

Have fun.


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