Wednesday, February 01, 2006

If you take drugs, you have no right talking to me.

Really. If you take anything harsher than cannabis, don't talk to me. At all. Cannabis, Salvia, that's alright. Talk to me as much as you like. Anything harder (Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy, Speed), don't talk to me. Seriously, I don't need to know you or your personality. I know you're a fucking moron for taking that shit, and that's good enough proof for me not to want to know you.

I can let certain people slide, Fox1337, for example. He's a fun guy to talk to (providing you're willing to share black nose pictures with him), but really if you want to spend all your fucking money on an addiction which fucks your body up more than ciggarettes? Go ahead! Just so you know? I'm going to live longer.

Really, why get addicted to an illegal substance? Why even pay for an illegal substance? Now somebody is going to say "Thump, you don't care for the law and you've took drugs before.", nearly correct. I've experimented with two drugs. Cannabis and Salvia. That's it. Bet you're gutted now, eh? Other than that I don't do anything. Now I smoke ciggarettes and that's basically it. Guess what? It's legal, fuck you.

Others can say, "Thump, you download music and games regularly! How isn't that illegal?". You got me there. I download music and games to see if I enjoy them. If I do? Power to the company, I buy the game. It doesn't bother me in the slightest. I have no bad karma. It isn't illegal to download, it's illegal to distribute. I know the law and you can't fault me on it. Also if I enjoy the game enough to buy it, guess what? The download becomes a backup, which means it's legal anyway. Fault the logic.

However, back to drugs. So you shell out your wages and buy an assortment of drugs. Now you're sorted. You can get high and look pathetic and still run the risk of overdosing! Yay! One less idiot in the world! Let's spend a good amount of money, which could be spent on something worth being spent on, on drugs! Then we can inject poisonous chemicals into our body, which will eventually die, because that way I can get friends and be knee deep in debt! God, I live such an exciting life!


Seriously, if you insist on taking drugs, go ahead! I don't care, take them all you fucking like. Just don't talk to me in the process. If I see somebody taking drugs, regardless of whom they are, I'll go apeshit. I don't care what it is, it's total fucking bullshit. I honestly can't say anymore than I already have. You'll get addicted to the shit and then you're gonna be fucked. Why? Because you'll do anything for that next fix. What happens when you get that next fix? You don't even get the same buzz as you used to. Your body has built up a natural immunity, it isn't a drug to your body anymore, it's a dependency. Then you're fucked. Your body relies on the chemicals now. Not too much fun.

Cocaine, oh that's great. Let's get some strange white powder and put it through my nose! Oh god, this is wonderful! Now my nose is all tingly! Oh god, how extreme! Piss off. Speed? Bullshit. Ecstasy? Do you even know what's in that shit? No? I guarentee you, neither does your dealer. Heroin? Wonderful! Let's inject ourselves with bullshit. Oh wait, we can smoke it right? But it tastes nasty! Rub it on your gums? Oh wait, no, that'll still have the taste. Oh, hey! I know! Snort the bastard! Please! If you're taking heroin, snort that shit. Take a five inch line right into your nose. See how fucking good you are there. It'll be great, really. Just watching you writhe around as your nostrils slowly begin to disintegrate... beautiful.

Seriously, look at the examples around you. Why take drugs? Look at people like Pete Doherty, does he look like a healthy man? He's pastier than me and constantly has black rings around his eyes, wow, how incredibly fucking healthy. What adds to that is he's always getting arrested, wait, here's the kicker... because of drugs! So he's making money from making shite music, and he's then loosing it because he has to pay fines and he has to pay people back for bailing him out! Fucking wonderful life he has! Here's another example. Kurt Cobain. He blew his fucking head off! If you take drugs, do the bloody same. Or inject about... 25mg into your veins. I swear, you'll be in the mystical place 'nirvana'.

Summary: Drugs are bad, get the fuck away from me.


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