Monday, May 19, 2008

The irony of advertisement.

So I was thinking last night, "Maybe I should finally update TWAiSi" but I didn't have anything to write about. I've been exhausted recently due to ridiculous amounts of coding and of course the whole 'trying to write a full length, double disked album' kind of gets me down at times... plus college on top of that.

Then on my way back from college, I realised my error: human stupidity will never let me down.

First thing that gave me a "wait wat" moment was when I noticed a black guy walking down the street a few feet in front of me. I couldn't help but admire his jacket in all it's plain, ugly, grotesque glory. Seriously, if that jacket were a person, that person would be shot dead out of kindness. Yes, it was that bad.

The interesting thing about this jacket is that it read "Pride and honour: Modified threads". Now, I pondered over this for a few moments and realised that this man had obviously went to a cheap thrift store, bought this hideous jacket and then sent it into this prideful company to modify the stitching. It makes perfect sense! That, however, still left the question as to why this man would degrade himself to wearing such shit... and then I realised!

This guy was walking around making us all feel so much better for the terrible clothes we were wearing. Fuck, his clothes were so bad he had to get somebody to modify the stitching for fuck sakes. You could literally see the sheer delight of the homeless people lining the pavement, secure in the knowledge that they are better dressed than at least one person in the world who probably has a job and a home!

Literally five minutes after I saw a man worse dressed than Jeremy Clarkson himself, I noticed an interesting little advertisement on the side of a truck. Now, I can't remember the exact wording, but I'll try my best:

"Traffic Direct

Keeping the traffic moving" said as it was broke down on a major road heading out of a busy city centre in the middle of rush hour.

Well shit, that's the exact kind of company I want to be directing my traffic. At this point, it's worth mentioning that reading that gave me an audible laugh... however what I witnessed afterwards literally split my sides.

They had there own fucking bollards.

That's right. Not content with causing a traffic jam, they created a contraflow too! You could literally see the sheer delight on the Police Officers face as it suddenly hit him that he now had paperwork to fill in (in case you're completely retarded, diverting traffic is illegal unless you are working for the council or similar, and even then you need to fill in paperwork and all that fun) as he took the registration of the vehicle (I think it was 70t4l 7ard).

As much as I would love to write more about this interesting subject of more idiots, I'm afraid I have to be leaving to do... that's right! Work.

Have fun.


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