Sunday, April 06, 2008

Stop saying "cummed" you fucking idiots.

Remember when you first went into school and learned about languages and numbers? Remember when you were told off because you said "I've beened to the park"? Right, you were told off because (now this might surprise you) the word "beened" isn't a word at all! I just made it up, right off the top of my head which is exactly what we used to do when we were kids. We invented our own grammar and we didn't let a silly thing like the English language get in our way!

Now you're all grown up and you still don't let a silly thing like the English language get in your way. Do you know what we call people like you?

You guessed it! Idiots.

Seriously, you are all a bunch of idiots. The lowest form of complete and utter fucking inbred retards.

Now you're all more than welcome to come and say "lol but if u hang sum1 dey havnt ben hung dy wer hanged" and to a certain extent, yes, that's true. Unfortunately those grammar laws are kept around for the sake of tradition. The language has long since evolved since then and you're still an idiot.

Kill yourself.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Stop emailing me.

Really, it's getting annoying. The more you email me, the less time I have to do my work and the less time I have to actually post new material. I'm juggling a lot of different things here so please be patient. Doing so much at once is difficult as it is without having to sift through "OMG U NEVA POST NEMOR".

Jesus, now I know how Maddox feels.

Stop suggesting topics to write because I won't write them, even if I was intending on it. Writing about fat girls might sound funny in your head, but I can assure you it isn't half as funny when put into context. One day, when I get around to it, I'm going to write a script for my email that filters all the common misspellings (such as 'u', and 'yoo') simply because the second I see that, I click 'delete'.

Long and short of it: Kill yourselves and save me some time.